Are you consciously shaping your life? Do you really understand what this means and how to do it?
This is important, because at a time when internet marketers offer their services or products and promise that they will give you the time and financial freedom you need to create your "life by design", it is important that you understand what designing your life really looks like and how effective it is.
The problem is that while this sounds great in theory, most people don't understand what it means to create a meaningful life through design, and they don't have the first clue on where to start to achieve this when they feel stuck.
For this reason, I will tell you 5 steps to make your life sustainable and wise. If changing your life seems like too much of a task, watch the video below to find inspiration before you read on:
Step 1: Let yourself know what you want
At the heart of shaping your life is the question of what you really want and what helps you wake up excited to live every day. To achieve this, you need to know exactly what you want.
We live in a society where people are overwhelmed by the inputs, thoughts, beliefs, and opinions of others. Not to mention that the environments we regularly find ourselves in affect our values, beliefs, and desires on a deep level.
Because of this, it becomes very easy to lose touch with who we are and what we want in life in the midst of all this noise.
That's why it's so important to seek clarity.
Clarity is fundamental to shaping the life you want to live, because without it, the desires and expectations that everyone else has in your life take over.
To shape your life, you must free yourself from the stories of your past that told you who you are and what you should want. The only effective way to do this is to seek clarity. You can do this by using the display of the mind, journaling, or meditation.
If you don't know where to start when you find out what you want to do with your life, read this article.
Step 2: Create a Plan
Once you have clarity about what exactly you want in your life, the real "design" work comes when you create a plan to meet those desires.
If you're not sure what a good plan might include, this article is a good place to start.
Think of your life as a beautiful piece of architecture. A few builders didn't just go there one day and start throwing things together, hoping that something nice would turn out.
Instead, they did a painstaking job of mapping every detail of this structure, and they did it long before they even laid the foundation during construction.
One of the biggest reasons people can never live the life they want is because they are not prepared to do the necessary work to make a plan to get there.
Yes, hard work, perseverance, and faith are all core parts of you that effectively create and live the life you want, but all of this is for nothing if there is no plan to design and build your life.
Be like an architect and take the time to create a plan before you start metaphorically, swinging hammers and building something important in your life.
Otherwise, you may find that the structure you have built is not the one you were hoping for.
Step 3: Be flexible and open
even if there is a plan, those who live the most fulfilling and joyful lives are those who are flexible and open-minded to change and new opportunities.
One downside to planning is that because you invest so much time, energy, and effort to create it, you can get tough if you track it down to T.
The problem is that many aspects of your life are constantly evolving and changing, and it's the fluid nature of life that brings uncertainty and adventure into the picture. Thus, the plans that you make today may no longer be relevant tomorrow.
You may have plans to return to school to continue your education, but there may be an opportunity to enter entrepreneurship.
Achieving a big goal may be in your plans, but a big goal may present itself, or the original goal may no longer be of interest to you.
In both scenarios, it can be detrimental to future opportunities to be dogmatic about the execution of the original plan. The main thing about all of this is that when shaping your life, you definitely want to have a plan, but you also need to have an open heart and an open mind.
Step 4: Say " no " more often"
If you don't take anything else away from this article, this may be the only piece of wisdom you want to stick to.
We live in a society that celebrates "busy". The problem is that when your standard lifestyle gets busy, the things you're most interested in have a way of being buried among other things.
That's why the subtle art of speaking no more often is necessary if you want to start shaping your life.
One truth about life is that you can't do two things at once — at least not efficiently.
When you add the unknown and limited time you have, you either shape your life or fall victim to the agendas of others.
We live in a culture where "no" has a negative connotation. For this reason, most people grow up without the ability to effectively stand up for their time and confidently say no to something.
Whether it's due to a fear of upsetting someone or letting someone down, or a terrible fear of missing something (FOMO), people are just not good at saying no.
However, if you really want to start shaping your life effectively, you definitely need to take back control of your time and agenda.
Step 5: Understand that the error is part of the process
Most people live in fear of failure, and this fear stifles their ability to pursue true goals, dreams, and aspirations. However, if you want to shape your life, you need to not only accept that failure will be part of the process, but also learn to accept it.
I tell you why: through failures in life, we often learn our biggest lessons and can achieve greater growth.
You see, most people don't spend time thinking about their profits to figure out what went well that allowed them to win. And you definitely don't waste time evaluating what you can do better next time.
However, when people fail, they tend to be a little more reflective, especially in terms of why they failed in the first place. If you can learn to deal with your mistakes a little more and see them as learning opportunities, you will set yourself up for long-term success.
One of the biggest problems with failure is that people view it as a stop sign. They think it's the end of the road, but that's not necessarily the case.
If you want to start shaping your life, instead think of failure as a sign of profitability — a place where you stop, assess the situation, and continue when you're ready.
If you can learn to see mistakes in this way, you will begin to understand the benefits of it, and once you can understand their benefits, you will not only stop being afraid of mistakes, but also start embracing them.
Last Thoughts
Living a life by design is absolutely possible. However, you must remember that this is a conscious process.
In the same way as in architecture, great works of art do not occur randomly. Through conscious, deliberate actions, someone can build a well-lived life.
If you deal with the 5 steps described here, you will be effective and actually enjoy the process of shaping your life.
More tips for living the life you want
The best way to create a vision of the desired life
7 Powerful Questions to Find Out What You Want to Do with Your Life
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